although we are well on our way in the second trimester by now, I wanted to do a little recap for each trimester. this might be my last pregnancy, and if it is, I want to be able to look back and remember how sweet this time was. to remember what a gift and privilege carrying our children has been.
so here’s a little recap on the first trimester before I forget, because pregnancy brain is already so real.
september 22, 2020
we know and we are SO excited! we found out early from the blood test, and will share with you all soon!
I didn’t feel any movement in the first trimester.
2 lbs I think? my weight gain so far has matched my pregnancy with Atlas Ford, even though my bump popped SO MUCH sooner.
my jeans all fit tight in my waist before I even knew I was pregnant! but because of covid-19 and working remote, I’ve been happily living in leggings and sweats.
all.the.sleep! that’s basically how I knew I was pregnant before my period was late. I have been ready for bed by 7 PM every night. I remember being so tired when I was pregnant with Atlas, but I’m definitely more tired this time around trying to keep up with a toddler!
up and down. I always feel super peaceful when I’m pregnant for some reason, but I still happy cry. sad cry. just a lot of crying and feeling exhausted. being tired has been the toughest part for both of my pregnancies in the first trimester.
When I’m not feeling completely indifferent about food I reach for pretzels, lemonade, sour patch kids, veggies and dip, this Olive Garden salad that we recreate at home, ice, freezing cold water, apples, anything really cold. Still not really feeling chicken/beef or anything creamy or spicy or that has a weird texture (oatmeal)
I have had more nausea this pregnancy than I did with Atlas, but no vomiting and I’m super grateful for that.
seeing baby at the first ultrasound, seeing and hearing the heartbeat. sharing the news with my parents and Nick’s parents. so many sweet moments in the first trimester.
I just want to say thanks again for being here, for reading, and for sharing in our joy! I am forever grateful for you all.